We hope you have enjoyed your stay at the Cube. Before you leave, please be sure that the roof water tank is full for the next visitors.
Secure sliding glass door with wood batten on the inside after locking.
Padlock the propane hutch and the solar shed. Then return the key to the bottom drawer by the stove. Be sure to put electrical tape on the lock holes to prevent blown sand from fouling the locks. Tear off what you will need first and return the tape to the same drawer.
Close and latch the shutters on the upstairs windows and the window over the kitchen sink.
Close the red ball valve with the black tape on roof to cut off flow to the outside tap. Ensure that the water tank is full.
Make sure the roof hatch is closed and locked with the bolt.
Turn off the hot water heater. Push down and turn the red knob on the water heater to Cerrado.
Turn off fridge by dialing down the knob just inside the fridge door, unscrew fridge light bulb a few turns to disable. Leave door slightly ajar to prevent mildew and mold.
Turn off lights before leaving, but leave porch light on.
Stow anything removed from the porch bench and place rocks on the hinged seats to prevent the wind from blowing them open.
Finally, lock the front door and place electrical tape on the keyhole
Garbage can be taken to the dumpster at Joya del Mar, about 3/4 of the way from the Cube to San Felipe. Look for a white stairway leading to a giant white trash bin on the right of the paved road that goes back to San Felipe.
[below] The Joya del Mar dumpster. You can leave a tip at the nearby gatehouse